Sunday 21 March 2010


Well people, my life is getting better everyday.

My symptoms have exaccerbated again after I increased the dose last Thursday night, however, not as much as 2 wks ago and I have not been that bothered as I was prepared this time. The only symptoms to show up again, are the fuzzy feeling in my arms, maybe a little on my legs, but no biggy, me bothered? Nah!!! At lease now being on 2.5ml, there is actually something to swallow....LOL
I have booked an appointment with my GP for 2 wks time, next script due then. I can't wait to go in there with a big smile on my face, walking with energy and looking, according to dozens of people who know me, "so much healthier and brighter"! :o)
LDN Is working and I can see improvements everyday. I have to keep tagging thing's, it's typical really, when everything is bad it gets noted, but as thing's have improved so much, i keep forgetting to keep a record of them, what seems like little things. Like, when I climb in and out of the bath, I'm not holding anything for my balance, when I stand on one leg to towel dry the other, no wobbling, when I get out of bed, our bed is quite low down, I just get up, no more "brace yourself, lean back, hold on to the bed, then the wall, coz you'll feel weak and dizzy!" The dizziness is pretty much gone, will show it's head when I'm tired or rushing around, "must remember that I should slow down" Yeah right, I've been given a little bit more of a chance again, I'm grabbing it with both hands, Isn't that what life is all about? I'm even thinking about going out on the bike again with my mate Helen, we used to do an average of 30 miles a week! No, won't be doing that much, but a little here and there would be lovely.

Life is good, the sun is out, well a little bit..LOL Spring is here/coming, don't now the official date...LOL and LDN Is wonderful, EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO IT!!!

Now what else has been happening, well, on Friday night I put up a video, top of my page. It went on You tube and Face book. OMG!!!! The responses I have had,, people have been messaging me, tagging themselves in it, passing it on. MSRC have put it on there pages too, thank you to them! It has been a brilliantly busy and emotional couple of days, it's not over yet either. Messages are still coming in and the video has been around the globe and back again at least a dozen times, it's FAB!!! Helping others, helps us to heal ourselves too!! Feels good, try it!


bill said...

hi s.h.

you are such an inspiration, keep up with the blogs. i know that i really appreciate them and look forward to them.


****Suzanne Harvey**** said...

Thx Bill, It's great to have feedback, thx for taking the time, hope life is good for you...xx

Silvia said...

Brilliant blog entry, loved reading it. Tagging the good stuff is a good thought. I know exactly what you mean, good things are taken for granted, the bad ones we grumble about. I have to remind myself of the same thing.