Tuesday 16 March 2010

Day 25 LDN

Well the sun is shining again, YAY! Most of my symptoms have returned to normal, gonna be careful not to do too much, but all I want to do is go out in the sun. LDN Is working, I can't stress enough how everybody should have access to it, it's so beneficial and is only going to keep on making me stronger. I am definitely going to increase the dose again this Thursday, will be going up to 2.5ml, if I have exacerbation's again, then I will ride through it again.

Saw my mate Sally yesterday, she has just got back from a week or R and R in Italy, she's just over two weeks in on LDN for Fibromyalgia, she's doing so well, look's brighter, more energy and virtually pain free and only taking paracetamol if she needs anything, how cool is that, I mean she had stocks and shares in the drug industry, the amount she used to take was incredible. Luv u Sall, soooo happy for you babes..xxx

Right gonna put the roof down and pop to the shops.

Happy Tuesday to you all

Luv luv luv u xxxx


Silvia said...

Brilliant news about how you feel and Sally also. We've booked the conference and into the Thistle Hotel, but haven't booked transport yet, still undecided whether train or plane. Dr. Gilhooly is looking for more people to come to the conference, I've heard that he has some TV or film crew booked and hopes to have a full auditorium. You don't happen to know somebody who would come, too? I'm sending out info, but I am aware that it's a long way for some of us.
Keep up the good work.