Sunday 14 March 2010

LDN Doing it's job!

Well just time for a quick update.

I would say, that when I stand back and evaluate, the increased symptoms over the past week are subsiding, so i think that I might go up to 2.5ml next Thursday, however, if I see anything on the negative I will wait a few more days until it looks like a clear run ahead.

I have been out driving around in the sunshine today, with the roof down. 4 weeks ago I thought that, that part of my life was gone, it made stop and take a breath, no, not because I was getting chilly, but because I was reminded that I have, all be it small, but another chance to carry on living. I am well aware that I have MS, but, for now I will continue to heal and hope that the LDN and whatever future treatment's that come my way, are going to mend my body and take away the black cloud that continues to follow me around. It's like walking down the road and being convinced that someone or something is following you. I would so much like not to have that negative lurking behind me. It will go away, it has to. I am not meant to held back in life, there is too much out there.

So off for dinner now, then a full day's work tomorrow.

Wow, a full day? well I never.

Love to all of you xx