Tuesday 11 May 2010

Ooops, I did it again!!!

Once again life as taken over and I keep forgetting to come and blog for you all. SORRY!

Well, not a lot has changed in the last few weeks, still busy and now taking 4.5ml LDN. It does seem to being it's job. I still have to remember that I have MS, also have some nerve damage in me legs, so even though the energy levels are still up there, I will hurt myself if I do too much. Who knows, maybe one day It will have gone away.

I am going to Glasgow tot the Essential Health Clinic on 9th July for the doppler scan for CCSVI, so fingers crossed there is something that can be done and will improve life even more.

Off to walk the doggie now, so will try to remember to get back to you sooner rather than later with updates