Sunday 11 April 2010

7.5 weeks in on LDN!!

Well I went to see my GP this week, that is one positive GP, he is now getting more enquiries about LDN, might have something to do with me...LOL and he is willing to prescribe to his many patients if he feels it will not be a negative to them, Go, go, go DOCTOR!!!! He can see my improvement and is very pleased for me.

I did try to move my dosage to the morning's, but no, had some symptoms rear their heads and i felt incredibly tired, so moved straight back to night time dose. Am currently on 3ml and moving up to to 3.5 next Thursday.

Been very busy with my Salon and the LDN Research Trust, constantly seem to be in contact with people with all sorts of ailments and am passing on the information on LDN to them. I also did an interview which is now on the podcast/ldn research trust site, link on the right, there are also a few others on there for other conditions and q&a's, so go have a listen people.

I have another busy week ahead, as I'm sure all weeks will be from now on, but it's all good and positive.

Health wise, thing's are good, and the sun is shining, bring on the spring.

Hope you are all well, take care4 for now. xxxxx