Friday 12 March 2010

Genuinely Caring People!

Wanted to tell you all about the people in my life.

Over this past week, clients have been in and asking me how I am am, you can see how genuinely concerned they are. They also have been asking where David Is (hubby) to which I tell them he had returned to work on Monday. There faces have lit up and you can see how happy they are for us, it touches my heart! I also cleared down my answer machine yesterday, so many repeat messages, checking up on me, my darling husband, my mother in law, my friends and other genuine kind people in my life. It hit me that I am surrounded by so much love, from such lovely people, made me stop and think! I am so lucky, not everyone has this kind of circle to protect them, that's such a shame. We need these people in our lives, we depend on them to hold our hands in the tough times and share our laughter in the good times!

Talking of good times, my darling boy comes home today, after 5 days on an outward bound school trip, we have received text updates from the school on a daily basis, it sounds like they are all having a lot of fun. Picking him up at 5pm, I am so looking forward to seeing him. Of course I will be back on here over the weekend moaning about my stroppy 10yr old that refuses to have a bath and eat his dinner and go to bed when he's told...LOL x


David said...

You deserve all the love you get my darling.