Wednesday 3 March 2010

Day 13....Busy day!

Another productive day!!

LDN is still pushing me back into normal life. My eyesight has definitely improved more, soon be back to complete clarity I hope. The legs are getting stronger, the fuzzy sensations are decreasing too. Still getting a little bit of warm and cold patches randomly throughout the day in arms and legs, but it's getting to the point of being barely noticeable, so it's all good!

Worked a longer day again today and popped out to pick up Sally's little boy from school, he needed to come home because he's hurt his neck, bless, he's having some well deserved bed rest.

Have been passing on the information of LDN to a few more people today. It's shocking just how many people that I see on a daily basis that could benefit from taking LDN! If that's a regular occurrence for most, than it's even more evident that the NHS should look at making it a front line drug option. Will it ever happen? Let's hope so!

Hopeful that my lovely husband has a new job, although back with his previous company. Yes, he was laid off at Christmas. It's been a strain, but we've got through it! Should know for sure over the next couple of days.

Can't think if there's anything else to update you all on, just that life is looking a lot rosier!
Hope the same can be said for some if not all of you.

Take care and see you tomorrow.